
Madaba is a combination of rural home life and a hot spot for religious tourism. Known as the “City of Mosaics” Madaba is the cultural epicenter for Byzantine and Umayyad mosaics. Just a short distance from the capital visitors are just a stone's throw away from the holy monuments of religious iconography.


Activities in Madaba

Tour details

  • UMM AR-RASAS With most of the city now in ruins, Umm ar-Rasas, originally inhabited by the Romans to protect trade routes from the Arabian Peninsula to the Levant, is now an archeological site perfect for those who love history. Listed on the UNESCO World Heritage list in 2004 because of its diverse Roman and Islamic influences, this site is sure to please.
  • MOUNT NEBO Referenced in Abrahamic texts as the site of Mount Nebo this township was first inhabited by a Christian nomadic tribe in the 4th century. Explore your religious roots in the religious town or visit Mt. Nebo where it is believed that Moses died as he viewed the Holy Land. "And Moses went up from the plains of Moab to Mount Nebo, the top of Pisgah, which is opposite Jericho." (Deuteronomy 34:1)
  • MADABA VISITORS CENTER Nestled into a renovated house from the 19th century the Madaba Visitors Center is an attraction all on its own. Acquired by The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, the center is a great launching point for visitors arriving to Madaba. Open 7 days a week, including holidays, the visitors center is more than equipped to prepare you for your journey into the land of mosaics and religious history.
  • TOURIST STREET While visiting Madaba stop by Hussein bin Ali St or “The Tourist Street” to purchase handicrafts and products specific to the mosaics and religious iconography found in Madaba.
  • MOSES’ SPRING Ayun Moses is an archaeological and religious area composed of hot springs. It is located 10 Km from Madaba near Mount Nebo, specifically towards the northern/eastern side of the mountain. This name refers the story of Moses when he struck “the rock” causing water to gush out; providing his community and their livestock with water.
  • MA’IN HOT SPRINGS/ HAMAMAT MA’IN If you fancy a refreshing feeling of hot water bubbling from the Earth’s core, the invigorating therapy of the Ma’in hot springs is sure to do the trick. Seated 264 meters below sea level the tranquil oasis is the perfect treatment from the bustling streets of Amman. The Ma'in Hot Springs Resort is located 37km away from Madaba City. There are public pools and also the private pools as part of the Ma'in Hot Springs Hotel.
  • WADI ZARQA MA’IN Falling from the high cliffs the waterfalls of Zarq'a Ma'in are a sneak peek into heaven. Visitors to the Zarq’a Ma’in hot springs will be treated to landscapes similar to the tropical atmosphere of South American countries. Bring your trekking shoes and enjoy the hike.